The initiative will address the increasing risks, as well as adaptation and transformation needs associated with climate-induced extreme weather events to facilitate pathways towards climate-resilient development;
In doing so, it should focus on (i) better understanding multiple interconnected risks and impacts, (ii) the role of regional integration and cross-border collaboration, and (iii) the role of comprehensive innovation, adaptation and transformation;
It will use the recent flood events to investigate the above aspects in high-income countries in Western Europe and facilitate learning and exchange from innovative regions in the EU (e.g. Copenhagen), but also have a global perspective and outlook/outreach (with a particular link to the Global South);
It will have (i) a research component that allows drawing lessons learned from the recent floods in Western Europe, (ii) a Platform component (“Knowledge Summit”), and (iii) an Outreach and Communications component.
Desk study, interviews and fact finding missions in the flood affected areas;
Aims to identify key knowledge gaps and policy challenges;
Aims to offer concrete recommendations for different policy actors/audiences;
Aims to provide an evidence-informed research agenda to inform policy;
Knowledge Summit 2022: A platform for dialogue, exchange & learning
Connect different actors (affected citizens; volunteers, local, regional and national authorities and governments, scientists, and civil society) from the region, the European Union and the Global South (i.e. regionally and globally) to facilitate sharing experiences, dialogue and learning;
Present research findings from the initiative and facilitate other actors, networks and initiatives in presenting their findings as well in the form of a comprehensive research and policy agenda;
Give people a voice and include local community perspectives (i.e. human stories);
Engagement, Outreach & Communication
The research findings should be presented through different channels (e.g. policy briefs, webinars) and engage with relevant national, regional (e.g. EC DRMKC) and global partners and networks (e.g. UNU Water Network, UN Water, etc.);
Identify how research findings can be integrated into existing and potentially new capacity building mechanisms;
A final report will synthesise findings and recommendations (incl. policy outputs and research agenda).
More information
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